Monday, 6 June 2011



Symptoms/Problems Remedy Frequency(Doses)
To smiling faces Ambra-gr.200 or 1M 4 hourly(6)
To certain persons Ammon-mur.200 4 hourly(6)
Aversion to her own children.Aversion to women in homosexuals Platina 1M weekly(3)
Aversion to friends during pregnancy Conium mac.200 weekly(3)
Aversion to parents and wife Flouric acid.1M weekly(3)
Aversion to apples Antim-tart.200 or 1M weekly(3)
Aversion to bannanas and plums Baryta carb.200 or 1M weekly(3)
Aversion to beef,brandy and dry food Mercurius sol.200 or 1M weekly(3)
Aversion to beer Nux vomica 200 weekly(3)
Aversion to brandy,cabbage Carbo veg.200 weekly(3)
Aversion to bread,butter,hot food,melons Natrum mur 200 or 1M weekly(3)
Aversion to butter milk and craving for sweets Cina 200 or 1M weekly(3)
Aversion to cereals;boiled milk,onion,oranges,pastry,spices,puddings and warm drinks Phosphorus 200 or 1M weekly(3)
Aversions for cheese and craving for sweets Argentum nit.200 or 1M weekly(3)
Aversion to chicken Bacillinum 200 or 1M weekly(3)
Aversion to chocolate,cocoa,spices Tarentula h.200 or 1M weekly(3)
Aversion to coffee,gruel,milk Calcarea carb.200 or 1M weekly(3)
Aversion to cold drinks Arsenic alb.200 or 1M weekly(3)
Aversion to cold water,garlic,onion,wine Sabadilla 200 or 1M weekly(3)
Aversion to cooked food Lycopodium 200 or 1M weekly(3)
Aversion to eggs Ferrum met.200 or 1M weekly(3)
Aversion to fat;fruits,ham,hot drinks,pastry,spices Pulsatilla 200 or 1M weekly(3)
Aversion to fish,hot drinks,salt,soup,sweets Graphites 200 or 1M weekly(3)
Aversion to honey;milk Natrum carb 200 or 1M weekly(3)
Aversion to ice cream Radium brom.200 or 1M weekly(3)
Aversion to melons,pastry silicea 200 or 1M weekly(3)
Aversion to pickles Abies can.200 or 1M weekly(3)
Aversion to soup Rhus tox.200 or 1M weekly(3)
Aversion to sweets,starchy food,strawberries Sulphur 200 or 1M weekly(3)
Aversion to vegetables Magnesia carb.200 or 1M weekly(3)


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  2. Amoebiasis most commonly affects young adults and is rare below the age of 5 years. Amoebic dysentery is very rare under the

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