Wednesday, 1 June 2011

Abscesses & Boils (including Carbuncles etc.)

Abscesses & Boils (including Carbuncles etc.)

1st Stage:(Inflammatory stage to suppurative stage)

Symptoms/Problems Remedy Frequency(Doses)
In acute abscesses;blood boils,when pus develop with lightening rapidity(mammary, hepatic or grandular abscesses) Belladonna 30 2 hourly
Favours rapid formation of pus, useful for grandular abscesses with throbbing pain;worse from warmth of bed Mercurius sol.30 and Belladonna 30 3 hourly(alternatively)
In the begining of suppuration;corroding,putrid,bloody pus formation with chill and sharp stitching pain;pus smells like old cheese.Though the patient is chilly but feels better in wet weather Hepar sulph. 30 4 hourly
In the begining when the part is red with shining.Stitching pain;worst by slightest motion Bryonia 30 4 hourly
Swelling very red with shining and burning;fever with dry hot skin;worse in worm room,evening and night Aconite 6 or 30 2 hourly
When Hepar sulph fails and the pain is unbearable Chamomilla 30 or 200 3 hourly
To cut short the duration of suppuration.It often does the work of a knife.Abscesses on the end of fingers and phallenges Myristica seb.1X or 3X 2 hourly
Small painful/sore boils in crops(summer boils) Arnica 30 or 200 4 hourly
To hasten suppuration Hepar sulph 2X or 3X 2 hourly
To check suppuration Hepar sulph.1M or 10M 10 mins(3)

2nd Stage:(When the suppuration has taken place)

Symptoms/Problems Remedy Frequency(Doses)
When the suppuration continues and boil does not heal.To bring the suppuration process to maturity;chilly patient;better in dry and warm weather Silicea 6X or 6 3 hourly
To form healthy granulation after Silicea Fluoric acid.30 4 hourly
When Silicea fails and the suppuration continues;better in open weather and worse in change of weather Calcarea sulph.6X or 30 3 hourly
Copious,bloody,yellowish or greenish pus;worse after taking rich food,and warmth;better in open and cold air Pulsatilla 30 4 hourly
Abscesses beneath skin; worse warm applications and warmth Lycopodium 30 or 200 4 hourly(6)
Abscesses in patient of tubercular diathesis Calcarea carb.200 4 hourly(6)
When pus is thick and yellow without inflammation Calendula 30 3 hourly
Useful for suppurating glands.Pus may be copious,corroding,thin and watery Rhus tox.6 or 30 4 hourly
Pus thin and sticky.Eruptions in bends of limbs,groins,neck and behind ears Graphites 30 or 200 4 hourly
For recurring abscess conditions,fever etc,.To clean the system and to prevent a recurrence. Pyrogenium 200 or 1M weekly(3)
For unhelthy offensive pus with a low condition and hepatic fever. Extreme burning sensation and restlessness Arsenic alb.30 or 200 4 hourly
Carbuncles/boils with intense burning and high fever Anthracinum 200 or 1M 10 min(3)
In low conditions of abscess;boils of bluish colour when the pus is thin,dark and offensive in character.Burning pains;sensitive to touch. Lachesis 30 or 200 10 min(3)
Painful and inflammed abscesses with tendency to gangrene; the neighbouring glands are swollen,hard and painful.Specific the abscesses under the armpit. Tarentula c.200 or 1M weekly(3)
For bloody and greenish yellow pus;intense pain. Nitric acid.200 or 1M 10 min(3)
Boils or felons caused by needle pricks. Ledum pal.200 or 1M 10 min(3)
To purify blood; when low fever persists due to infection. Echinacea 1X or 30 4 hourly
Bad effects of burns.Pus may be bloody,greenish,greyish or yellowish;corroding,thin and watery. Causticum 30 or 200 4 hourly
Ulcer which mature slowly.Burning pains;pus thin,watery and offensive may be bloody,brownish or yellowish.Tendency to gangrene.Better fanning Carbo veg 30 or 200 3 hourly
Abscesses with excruciating pains;inflammation,chronic carbuncles,boils;abscesses in the joints especially in the left hip joint.Septic pus. Stramonium 200 or 1M 10 min(3)
Carbuncle on lumber region with diabetes.Foul discharge of pus from several openings.Nausea and vomiting. Carbolic acid 200 10 min(3)
For boils,herpes zoster,ascariasis and blood poisoning;stools constipated. Gun powder 3X or 30 4 hourly
When the pus is thin,blackish and watery,putrid and offensive. Kali phos 6X or 30 3 hourly
For syphilitic and tubercular patients.Boils in axilla; glands swollen Kali iod 200 or 1M weekly(3)
For syphilitic and tubercular patients.For abscesses about the bones Carbo ani.30 or 200 4 hourly(6)
Recurrent boils in external ear with past history of measles. Phosphorous 200 or 1M 3 hourly(6)
Boils in the external ears;worse in summer Morbillinum 200 10 min(3)
Small,painful boils;pus greenish which mature slowly. Picric acid 30,secale cor.30 or 200 4 hourly(6)
In chronic cases when the discharge of pus is profuse with emaciation and hepatic fever.(Intercurrent remedy) Sulphur 200 One dose

Abscesses & Boils (including Carbuncles etc.)


Symptoms/Problems Remedy
Anus,of the Alumina phosphorica
Anus,of the,painless Calcarea sulphurica
Anus,near or about the Calcarea phosphorica,Silicea,Mercurious sol.
Axilla,of the Calcarea sulphurica,Calcarea silicate,Phosphoric acid,Kali silicatum
Axillary glands and patroids of the Rhus tox
Back,specially back of neck and between shoulder Tarentula hisp.
Bones,affecting the Calc-hypo. & Augustura
Breast,mammary glands Phosphorus,silicea
Breast,surrounded by lumps or nodules Conium mac
Breast,of the,threatened abscess Silicea
Ear,about and below Capsicum
Ear,small boils and pustules in external auditory canal Picric acid
Gums,and face about,better by warmth Silicea
Gums,and about caries,mastoid abscess Capsicum
Gums and teeth about Fluoric acid,Lachesis
Gums,of the,frequently recurring Causticum
Hip joints,of the Carbo veg,Stramonium
Liver,of the Lachesis
Lungs,in the Carbo veg,Lachesis
Muscle,deep of the,neck,thigh,abdomen etc. Calcarea carb.
Skin,below the, Lycopodium
Spine,of the Carbo veg,Stramonium
Vulva,about in women Mercurius sol,Silicea
Vulva,about in women,worse walking,appears few days before period and subsides automatically after period Mercurius sol

For External Use:

   # For dressing Calendula ext.Q and Echinacea ext.Q(lotion or oinment) is very useful.
   # To relieve unbearable pain Arnica mont.Q and Cassia soph.Q as a paint are useful.
   # To burst boils Pulsatilla.Q and Dioscorea.Q or Bryonia.Q as a paint are useful.
   # To suppress boils Calcarea 1X is very useful.