Saturday 9 June 2012


Inflammation of the conjunctiva(the mucous membrane covering the interior surface of the eyeball) is called Conjunctivitis

Symptoms/Problems Remedy Frequency(Doses)
Sudden watering from eyes with inflammation after exposure to cold Aconite 30 or 200 3 hourly
Eye fiery red with pain and inflammation;face red 

Belladonna 30 4 hourly
Acrid,watery discharge from eyes;patient cannot bear bright light Euphrasis 30 3 hourly
Headache;profuse,purulent discharge from eyes which makes vision hazy,should be cleared immediately;acute granular swelling Argentum nit.30 4 hourly
Eye-lids swollen,red;worse by heat Apis mel.30 4 hourly
Greenish,yellow discharge from eyes;worse by heat and better in open,cold air Pulsatilla 30 4 hourly
Acrid lachrymation;severe burning,soreness of the eyes,sensation of foreign bodies in the eyes.Eye-lids get gummed Mercurius cor.30 4 hourly
Stringy,whitish discharge from the eyes Kali bich.30 4 hourly
Redness and inflammation of eyes;eyes can be opened with great force only Rhus tox.30 4 hourly
Itching and burning of eyes;worse by washing Sulphur 30 or 200 4 hourly(3)


Symptoms/Problems Remedy Frequency(Doses)
When there is internal as well as external coldness;after sudden exposure to cold,during cholera Camphor Q or 30 15 min(6)
Though the body is cold but patient desires fanning Carbo veg.30 or 200 1/2 hourly
Sudden;due to fear of exposure to dry cold air Aconite 200 or 1M 1/2 hourly
Due to concussion(injury) Arnica 200 or 1M 1/2 hourly(3)
Due to exhaustive discharges,such as loss of blood,excessive vomiting,diarrhoea or semen loss,etc. China 30 1/2 hourly
In epileptic fits Cuprum met.30 or 200 1/2 hourly
Due to sun stroke Glonoine 30 or 200 1/2 hourly
With cold sweating Veratrum alb.30 or 200 1/2 hourly


Symptoms/Problems Remedy Frequency(Doses)
Symptoms worse after anger;bitter taste;severe pain in abdomen causing patient bend over double Colocynth.30 3 hourly
Greenish watery stools,gushing out with great force;abdomen distended Magnesia carb.30 4 hourly
Yellowish watery stools with flatulence;worse after eating,taking icy cold water or preserved fruits;digestion slow China 6 or 30 4 hourly
Offensive and loose stools;patient can not even tolerate touch of cloth on abdomen;worse during spring and after sleep Lachesis 30 or 200 4 hourly(3)
Ulcerative or simple colitis;after indignation(such as rape or inhuman acts;etc.) Staphysagria 200 or 1M fortnightly(3)
Stools containt white shreddy particles;distention of abdomen;pain over liver region;over sensitive to smell of foods Colchicum 30 4 hourly


Symptoms/Problems Remedy Frequency(Doses)
Due to food poisoning;unquenchable thirst,sips water at frequent intervals;anxiety and restlessness Arsenic alb.30 2 hourly
Due to acidity and ulcer;patient desires constant fanning;fresh air Carbo veg.30 4 hourly
Agonising;cutting pain;better bending double Colocynth.30 4 hourly
after over-eating;specially spicy-rich food or milk etc Nux vomica 30 3 hourly
During cholera with cold sweating Veratrum alb.30 2 hourly
Pain in abdomen due to worms Cina 200 or 1M 6 hourly
Due to flatulence;better bending backwards Dioscorea v.30 4 hourly
While eating;burning pain around the naval Calcarea renal.30 4 hourly
After abdominal operation Staphysagria 30 4 hourly
when pain comes and goes suddenly Belladonna 30 4 hourly
After taking rich,fatty food with loss of thirst;desire for cold,open air Pulsatilla 30 4 hourly
When pains are intolerable;specially in pregnant woman;worse after anger Chamomilla 200 2 hourly
Severe,violent,spasmodic pain and intermittent Cuprum met.30 4 hourly

Cold,Catarrh and coryza


1st Stage

Remedy Frequency(Doses)
Icy coldness of whole body;internal and external both.To give heat to the system Camphor 6 or 30 1/2 hourly
Cold due to sudden exposure to dry cold wind;chilly feeling;headache,watering of eyes and sneezing;anxiety and fear;feverish feeling Aconite 30 or 200 2 hourly
Running of nose during day and blockage at night with chilly feeling Nux vomica 30 3 hourly
Cold with sneezing and profuse from eyes and nose;worse in warmth and indoor;better in open air Allium cepa 3 hourly
Dryness of nose with headache;worse from motion;thirst more;lips parched and dry;stools constipated Bryonia 30 or 200 3 hourly
Sneezing;watering of nose and eyes;throat sore with constant desire to swallow saliva;foul smell from mouth;feverish feeling with sweat which do not relieve.Worse at night Mercurius sol.30 3 hourly
Watering and burning of eyes with streaming nose;acrid discharges Euphrasia 30 3 hourly
Chilly feeling though face is hot;restlessness;un-quenchable thirst,drinks often but little at a time;better hot drinks Arsenic alb.30 3 hourly
Acrid discharge from the nose which corrodes the upper lip.Nose filled with phelgm;breathes through the mouth Arum triph.30 3 hourly
Cold;running of nose and sneezing;redness and pain forehead;watering eyes Sabadilla 30 4 hourly
Cold;pain throat;red face,rush of blood towards head Belladonna 30 4 hourly
Aching pain;dullness;chilliness in back;sneezing;bland and thick discharge from nose;feverish;better by passing urine Gelsemium 30 3 hourly
Coryza with sneezing and aching in bones of extremities with soreness of flesh Eup-perf.30 3 hourly
Cold;better from cold bathing Calcarea sulph.30 4 hourly
Dripping of nose while eating Trombidium 30 or 200 6 hourly
Dripping of nose while going to sleep Thuja oc.30 or 200 6 hourly
Dry coryza;sniffles of infants,blockage of nose Sambucus nig.30 4 hourly

2nd Stage

Symptoms/Problems Remedy Frequency(Doses)
Discharge from nose;yellowish or greenish;stringy Kali bich.30 4 hourly
Greenish yellow mucous from nose;loss of taste and thirst;better open air Pulsatilla 30 4 hourly
Thick yellow discharge from nose;post nasal cattarh;constipation Hydrastis c.30 4 hourly
Watering from nose like a tap;thirst more;stools constipated;cold aggravates till noon and ameliorates after noon Natrum mur.30(in acute stage Bryonia 30) 4 hourly
In fat and flabby patient;worse after bathing;chilly patient Calcarea carb.200 6 hourly
Watery discherge from the nose and finally it becomes thick,yellow.Pain in the throat on swallowing as if full of splinters;sensitive to cold Hepar sulph.30 4 hourly
Cold worse early morning;chronic;dry catarrh;aversion to take bath Sulphur 200 weekly(3)
Chronic catarrh;dry coryza,with blockage of nose;worse change of weather and cold Psorinum 200 weekly(3)
Chronic cases with tubercular history Tuberculinum k.200 or 1M fortnightly(6)
Obstinate chronic cases when indicated remedy fails Bacillinum 1M weekly(3)


Symptoms/Problems Remedy Frequency(Doses)
Aversion to coitus due to impotency;constipated patients;who are prone to be obese Graphites 200 or 1M weekly(3)
Desire lost or diminished.Complete loss of erection Lycopodium 200 or 1M weekly(3)
Intercurrent remedy Psorinum 200 weekly(3)

Tuesday 1 May 2012

Chorea-Involuntary movement of muscles(see Nervousness also)

Symptoms/Problems Remedy Frequency(Doses)
with pain and numbness Asafoetida 30 6 hourly
Angular;better during sleep Argentum nit.30 or 200 6 hourly
Jerking of arms and legs Mygale 200 weekly(3)
Due to disturbed emotions;specially facial muscles;worse after inhaling smoke Ignatia 200 6 hourly
Movements of head backward and forward;fear of dark Stramonium 200 or 1M 6 hourly
Tremors of hands;profuse sweating which do not relieve the complaints Mercurius sol.30 or 200 6 hourly
In chilly,weak,worn-out patients;worse by cold Zincum phos.30 6 hourly
Loss of control;movements of extremities;worse during sleep;contraction of muscles Causticum 30 or 200 6 hourly


Cholera is an acute infectious disease caused by the Bacillus Vibrio Cholerae. The spread of disease is through water or contaminated food.In the beginning there is diarrhoea which becomes watery and become profuse very soon.There is sudden loss of fluids.Acute vomiting,weak pulse,blood pressure falls down, urine becomes scanty.If not managed properly patient may die due to loss of fluid.

Symptoms/Problems Remedy Frequency(Doses)
Prophylatic remedy Cuprum met.200 and Verat alb.200 alternate weekly throughout an epidemic
Head remedy;when body becomes cold with internal chill Camphor Q or 30 1/2 hourly
Desire for cold drinks - violent colic,specially around naval.Patients feels as if anus remains wide open after passing stools phosphorus 30 or 200 1/2 hourly
Stools - white like rice water;cold sweating and uncontrollable retching with drawing and cramps in the fingers Verat-alb.30 1/2 hourly
When deathly nausea and cold sweat persists Tabacum 30 1/2 hourly
Body cold and bluish.Spasmodic diarrhoea,spasms starts from lower extremities and spread to upper extremeties,muscles of abdomen and chest Cuprum met.30 1/2 hourly
Large,yellow,greenish,offensive stools Podophyllum 30 1/2 hourly
Burning sensation all over the body;restlessness,difficulty in breathing.Rapid onset of collapse.Thrist for small quantities of water at frequent intervals Arsenic alb.30 1/2 hourly
When vomiting stops but diarrhoea continues;extremities icy cold but patient does not want to cover him.More retching than vomiting Secale cor.30 1/2 hourly
When body becomes cold;respiration weak and laboured;patient desires to be fanned Carbo veg.30 1/2 hourly
When cholera symptoms are associated with loud,violent and deathly hiccough Cicuta v.30 1/2 hourly

Cholera Infantum

Symptoms/Problems Remedy Frequency(Doses)
Complaints with cough;stools golden yellow;patient craves for icy cold drinks Phosphorus 30 1/2 hourly
When there is marked sour smell in stools Rheum 30 1/2 hourly
When there is frequent thirst for small quantity of water.Vomiting with frequent and watery stools;restlessness Arsenic alb.30 1/2 hourly

Children Diseases including problems of New Born Babies

Infant Care


Naval Problems

Feeding Problems


Blue Baby



Cold & Cough

Eyes Problems



Clogged Nose


Teeth Problems

 Mouth Ulcer


 Swelling of Nipples



 Abdominal Pain




 Bed Wetting

 Urinary Problems

 Smell in Urine


 Prickly Heat



 Whooping Cough




 Change of Seasons



Symptoms/Problems Remedy Frequency(Doses)
Painful;worse in cold weather,winter Agaricus m.30 4 hourly
When there are cracks which bleeds easily;worse winter and cold climate Petroleum 30 4 hourly
With itching;worse in warmth;better in cold,open air Pulsatilla 30 4 hourly
With redness and swelling of the skin;itching and burning;restlessness Rhus tox.30 4 hourly


Symptoms/Problems Remedy Frequency(Doses)
Preventive medicine Variolinum 200 10 min(3)
High fever with anxiety and shiny red face Aconite 30 or 200 2 hourly
fever without thirst,though throat is dry;desire for open,cold air Pulsatilla 30 4 hourly
Fever with headache and shiny red face;rush of blood towards head Belladonna 30 3 hourly
Itching in eruptions;tip of tongue red;restlessness Rhus tox.30 4 hourly
When fever is over and eruptions starts drying up Mercurius sol.30 4 hourly(3)

Cervical spondylosis(see slipped disc,Spondylosis etc.,also)

Symptoms/Problems Remedy Frequency(Doses)
Vertigo;worse closing eyes due to degeneration of spinal cord Theridion 30 4 hourly
With muscular weakness;perspiration of hands,specially in bachelors Conium mac.200 or 1M 3 hourly(3)
With numbness;worse night Kali iod.200 or 1M 3 hourly(3)
Head remedy;tearing pain with weakness Acid-phos.30 4 hourly
Intercurrent remedy Psorinum 200 or 1M weekly(3)
Pain nape of neck;better movements,worse by rest,cold and damp,after drinking icy cold water Rhus tox.200 or 1M 4 hourly

Causation - Ailments due to(see different ailments and occupational hazards,etc.also)

Symptoms/Problems Remedy Frequency(Doses)
Ailments due to carrying heavy weight in labourers etc. Ruta g.30 or 200 6 hourly
Effect of cold drinks;(when overheated;takes cold drinks or water and suffers) Bellis p.30 4 hourly
Due to fasting Dioscorea 30 4 hourly

Caries Of Teeth

Symptoms/Problems Remedy Frequency(Doses)
Decay of teeth in children as soon as they appear;bed wetting Kreosote 30 4 hourly
Decay of teeth;pain and soreness Plantago 30 4 hourly
Decay of teeth;bleeding gums,sensitive to hot or cold Mercurius sol.30 4 hourly
Intercurrent remedy Syphilinum 200 or 1M weekly(3)

Wednesday 22 February 2012

Cancer(of different organs)

The medicine which have special affinity on particular organs hava been given here if the totality of the symptoms of the patient as a whole tallies with a particular medicine then it can be given accordingly.The repeatition should be with great care only.

Symptoms/Problems Remedy Frequency(Doses)
Cancer of stomach with constant vomiting of black fliud Cadmium sulph.30 3 hourly
Cancer of pancreas or of bones,especially the lower jaw and tibia Phosphorus 30 or 200 3 hourly
Cancer of bone,periosteum,especially the joints Symphytum 6 or 30 3 hourly
Cancerous ulcer;especially when out-come is after suppression of Malaria Chininum sulph.30 or 200 3 hourly
Cancer of stomach,of axilla,oesophagus;painful cracks in corner of the mouths Condurango 30 or 200 3 hourly
Cancer of bladder,breast;disposition to pimples at adolenscence Asterias rubens 30 or 200 3 hourly
Cancer of caecum,pylorus,duodenum;painful contraction with duodenal distention Ornithogalum Q or 6 3 hourly
Cancer of cervix;bleeds easily;sensation of boiling water along the back Ustilago Q or 6 3 hourly
Cancer of face;ill effects of vaccination.Rapid exhaustion and emaciation Thuja oc.30 or 200 3 hourly
Cancer of lungs;sleep always disturbed by lewd dreams Cobaltum 30 3 hourly
Cancer of glands of the neck;patient sensitive to cold.Sensation of coldness in various parts Cistus can.30 3 hourly
Cancer of testicles Cadmium phos.30 3 hourly
Cancer of vagina;prostate;can not control the urine;urine dribbles constantly while lying Kreosote 30 3 hourly
Cancerous history in the family or past history of cancer in the patient Carcinocin 200 or 1M fortnightly(3)
Cancerous diathesis;over irritability Strychninum 200 or 1M fortnightly(3)
To expel the poison from effected lesion Silicea 12X or 30 4 hourly
When carbuncle turns towards gangrene;marked burning and restlessness Arsenic alb.30 4 hourly
Cancer affecting lower bowel with prolapsus Ruta grav.6 or 30 4 hourly

For External use: Hypericum lotion


Symptoms/Problems Remedy Frequency(Doses)
Head remedy - for burns of any kind Cantharis 30 4 hourly
Sun burns;rush of blood towards head,flushed face Belladonna 30 4 hourly
Radium,X-ray burns Phosphorus 200 or Cadmium iod.30 4 hourly(3)
When there is fear of death and anxiety due to burns.Burnt area is hot and swollen with fever Aconite 30 or 200 15 min(6)
If the part mortifies(leading towards gangrene) Silicea 30 or Sulphur 30 3 hourly(3)
If pus forms;effected parts becomes very sensitive Hepar sulph.200 10 min(3)
Burns due to pouring of hot water or hot oil;when blisters has not formed Urtica urens 30 4 hourly

For External use:
Cantharis lotion.If wound forms then apply Calendula lotion.


Bronchitis Acute

1st Stage

Symptoms/Problems Remedy Frequency(Doses)
In healthy persons;due to sudden exposure to dry cold air;anxiety and chilly feeling,high fever,pulse fast;fear and restlessness Aconite 30 or 200 2 hourly
Eyes red,face shiny red,high fever;respiration short,rapid and difficult;dry cough and hoarseness;skin hot and dry but moist on covered parts Belladonna 30 2 hourly
Fever;inflammatory bronchial catarrh,soreness in chest and exhaustive cough;sweating does not relieve;mouth moist with saliva Mercurius sol.30 4 hourly
Dry cough which hurts the head with fever.Thirst excessive for large quantities of cold water at long intervals.Worse movements Bryonia 30 or 200 3 hourly
In weak patients with high fever Ferrum phos.6X or 30 3 hourly

If there is no improvement with above medicines then give one dose of sulphur 30 or 200 and wait for one or two days and again give the medicine according to symptoms.Tuberculinum-bov.1M should be given in once a month for 6 months to the patients who are prone to Bronchitis.

2nd Stage

Symptoms/Problems Remedy Frequency(Doses)
When cough begins to loosen;complaints worse cold,even uncovering of body parts aggravate.Coughing chokes Hepar sulph.30 4 hourly
Much rattling in the chest due to mucous in the bronchial tubes;tongue clean;dyspnoea and nausea Ipecac 30 4 hourly
Wheezing;rattling chest,loose cough,but no phlegm comes out even after prolonged coughing.Tongue whitish coated Antimonium tart.200 10 min(3)

3rd Stage

Symptoms/Problems Remedy Frequency(Doses)
When mucous becomes yellow;patient feels better in open air;loss of thirst Pulsatilla 30 4 hourly
When no phlegm comes out;if any;it is blood streaked;pulse rapid and patient becomes very weak Ammonium carb.30 4 hourly



Symptoms/Problems Remedy Frequency(Doses)
For persons who are constantly catching cold with chronic suffocative cough Bacillinum 200 or 1M weekly(3)
Wheezing and oppression in the chest.Breathing stops when falling asleep;wakes up with a start and gasps for breath.Must sit up to a breath;can not breath when lying down Grindelia Q or 6 1/2 hourly(3)
Chronic bronchitis;pain in different parts of the body on coughing Capsicum 30 4 hourly
Cough worse after midnight;dry and painful which makes the patient to hold his chest;worse on talking Drosera 200 one dose only
When breathing is rapid and hard;wheezing with excessive dyspnoea;expectoration very difficult Antimonium ars.6 or 30 4 hourly(6)
Hard,croupy cough with inability to raise the sputum Antimonium iod.30 4 hourly
Cough with soreness in chest;better drinking cold water.Involuntary escape of urine while coughing Causticum 30 4 hourly
Must cough for a long time before he can raise the mucous because it is strong and sticky;involuntary escape of urine Squilla 30 4 hourly
Extreme restlessness with prostration.Thirst for small quantities of water at short intervals.Cough dry worse after drinking;and midnight must sit up.Chilly patient Arsenic alb.30 4 hourly
When body turns blue and cold;patient wants to be fanned Carbo veg.30 4 hourly
Copius expectoration with dilatation of bronchial tubes Sabal ser.Q or 6 4 hourly
Painful spasmodic cough and dyspnoea;worse night Napthaline 30 4 hourly
Breathlessness after attack of bronchitis Chloralum 30 4 hourly


Dilation of a bronchus or of the bronchial tubes is called Bronchiectasis

Symptoms/Problems Remedy Frequency(Doses)
Cough;worse change of position.Caries of teeth Kreosote 30 4 hourly
Feels better in knee-chest position;worse during day;better see side Medorrhinum 200 or 1M fortnightly(3)
Cough often ends in a sneeze;expectoration difficult;tough and profuse mucous Senega Q 4 hourly,5 - 7 drops
Emphysema with excessive dyspnoea and cough;difficult expectoration and excessive mucous secretions Antim ars.6 or 30 4 hourly
Cyanosis;venously congested lungs;dry,spasmodic,suffocative cough Acid Hydrocyanic 30 2 hourly(3)


Symptoms/Problems Remedy Frequency(Doses)
Undeveloped;with infanitle uterus and ovaries.For proper growth of female organs Pituitary g.200 fortnightly(6)
Breasts undeveloped and shrivelled;with infantile uterus and ovaries;general and sexual debility Sabal ser.Q 4 hourly,5 -10 drops
Breasts undeveloped with infantile uterus and ovaries;aching in breasts and itching of nipples Onosmodium CM monthly(3)
Atrophy;mammae lax and shrunken,painful to touch Conium 200 or 1M weekly(6)
Atrophy;painful tumours,with undue secretion of milk.Very large breasts with tumour Chimaphila Q or 30 4 hourly
Abscess;fistula of mammary glands;stitching pain.Desire for cold drinks Phosphorus 200 4 hourly(3)
Eruptions on mammary glands;sensation of burning and pressure everywhere Piper nig.30 4 hourly
Pain behind mammary glands;worse by heat;loss of thirst;desires open cold air Pulsatilla 30 or 200 4 hourly
Mammary glands sensitive;sharp,cutting pain in ovaries;worse at night Syphilinum 200 or 1M weekly(3)
Soreness of mammary glands Symphytum 6 or 30 4 hourly
Ulceration of mammary glands;itching and burning Paeonia Q or 6 4 hourly
Pain between the space of breasts;below the mammary glands;sexual insomnia and gastric complaints Raphanus 30 or 200 4 hourly
Tumours of the breasts;hard and sensitive;when child nurses pain goes from nipple all over the body Phytolacca 30 or 200 4 hourly
Sinuses in mammary gland;chilly patient Silicea 12X or 30 4 hourly

Brain(Affections of)

Symptoms/Problems Remedy
Anaemia of brain Tabacum 30 or 200
Inflammation of brain Arum triph.30 or 200
Injury of brain or after effects of brain Natrum sulph.200 or above
Paralysis of brain;brain fag Zincum met.30 or 200
Tumors of brain Plumbum met.30 or 200
Inflammation of brain due to injury Ruta g.30 or 200
Brain fag due to excessive mental work Kali phos 6X or 30
Dread of making any mental effort;chilly patient Silicea 12X or 30
Atrophy of brain after nervous tension or fright Phosphorus 30 or 200
Affections of brain occuring in infants during attack of cholera Nux Mosch.30 or 200

Bone Affections(including Injuries and Caries)


Symptoms/Problems Remedy Frequency(Doses)
To aid all kinds of bone injuries Ruta g.30 4 hourly
For fractured or broken bone Symphytum 3X or 6 4 hourly
Caries;due to suppression of food sweat Acid salicylic 30 4 hourly
Caries of cervical bones Aurum met.200 weekly(3)
Caries of spinal cord Calcarea carb.200 or 1M weekly(3)
Tuberculosis of bone Drosera 200 or 1M fortnightly(3)

Body odour

Symptoms/Problems Remedy Frequency(Doses)
Due to sweating etc,especially forehead Calcarea carb.200 4 hourly(3)
Offensive odour of body like old cheese with sensitive skin Hepar sulph.30 4 hourly
With excessive odorous,viscid perspiration which stains the clothes yellow but sweating do not relieve the complaints Mercurius sol.30 4 hourly
With unhealthy looking skin;aversion to taking bath Sulphur 30 or 200 4 hourly(3)
Offensive sweat on feet,hands and axillae;chilly patient Silicea 30 or 200 4 hourly
Intercurrent remedy Psorinum 200 weekly(3)

blood pressure

High blood pressure
Head remedy;with nervousness(during pregnancy use with care)
Rauwolfia s.Q
4 hourly
With depression;suicidal tendency;cardiac symptoms
Aurum met.200 or 1M
10 min(3)
With arteriosclerosis and senile paresis
Aurum iod.30
6 hourly
With senility and senile behavioural changes
Baryta carb.200 or 1M
Systolic pressure high and diastolic pressure very low
Baryta mur.3X or 6X
4 hourly
With constriction in heart region and anginal pain
Cactus g.Q or 30
3 hourly
For fat and flabby patient;sweat on head,palms and soles,craving for eggs;chilly patient
Calcarea carb.200 or 1M
In old age;old bachelors and old maids
Conium mac.200 or 1M
Palpitations in slight exertion;dyspnoea,insomnia and gastric complaints
Crataegus ox.Q or 30
4 hourly
Due to shock(broken love affair etc.)emotional disturbances
Ignatia 200 or 1M
4 hourly(3)
Due to congestion in brain;severe headache,lassitude and dizziness
Glonoine 3X or 6
1/2 hourly
Due to syphilitic origin;lancinating pain in head and bones
Kali iod.30 or 200
4 hourly(3)
Due to gastric origin;flatulence;craving for sweets and warm food;worse 4 - 8 P.M.
Lycopodium 30 or 200
4 hourly
Due to shock or grief;hyperthyroidism,goitre,addision's disease,diabetes,etc.Desire for salt preparations
Natrum mur.200 or 1M
10 min(3)
In syphilitic cases;angina pectoris;vertigo,dyspnoea and endocarditis
Natrum iod.30 or 200
10 min(3)
In tall,intelligent,hypertensive people;craves for icy cold things;fear of dark and stroms,etc.
Phosphorus 30 or 200
10 min(3)
With sclerotic degeneration specially of spinal cord
Plumbum iod.30 or 200
6 hourly
Due to grief;apprehension,dullness,loss of thirst,etc.
Gelsemium 30 or 200
3 hourly
During menopausal stage;worse after sleep;great loquacity
Lachesis 30 or 200
4 hourly
Bursting pain in head;better by cold application,pressure,vertigo;palpitation of heart;worse when alone;sleeplessness with heaviness in head;oedematous swelling on face and legs
Boerhaavia diffusa Q or 6
4 hourly


Low blood pressure

Symptoms/Problems Remedy Frequency(Doses)
Due to fluid loss;exhaustive discharges(excessive vomiting,diarrhoea,blood loss or semen loss,etc.) China off.30 4 hourly
Due to low vitality;flatulence in upper part of abdomen;desire for fresh air Carbo veg.6 or 30 4 hourly
Faints in hot sun,craves for salt,excessive thirst and constipation Natrum mur.12X or 30 4 hourly
Craves for sweets;flatulence in lower part of abdomen;uric acid diathesis Lycopodium 30 or 200 4 hourly(3)
When pulse is weak and slow;vertigo,weight and oppression of heart as if being squeezed Viscum alb.Q or 30 4 hourly
With irregular heart beating and palpitation;feels as if heart would stop beating if do not move about Gelsemium 30 4 hourly
Due to excessive sexual indulgence Acid-phos.30 4 hourly

Hypotension(Low blood pressure)

Symptoms/Problems Remedy Frequency(Doses)
Due to fluid loss;exhaustive discharges(excessive vomiting,diarrhoea,blood loss or semen loss,etc.) China off.30 4 hourly
Due to low vitality;flatulence in upper part of abdomen;desire for fresh air Carbo veg.6 or 30 4 hourly
Faints in hot sun,craves for salt,excessive thirst and constipation Natrum mur.12X or 30 4 hourly
Craves for sweets;flatulence in lower part of abdomen;uric acid diathesis Lycopodium 30 or 200 4 hourly(3)
When pulse is weak and slow;vertigo,weight and oppression of heart as if being squeezed Viscum alb.Q or 30 4 hourly
With irregular heart beating and palpitation;feels as if heart would stop beating if do not move about Gelsemium 30 4 hourly
Due to excessive sexual indulgence Acid-phos.30 4 hourly

Hypertension(High blood pressure)

Symptoms/Problems Remedy Frequency(Doses)
Head remedy;with nervousness(during pregnancy use with care) Rauwolfia s.Q 4 hourly
With depression;suicidal tendency;cardiac symptoms Aurum met.200 or 1M 10 min(3)
With arteriosclerosis and senile paresis Aurum iod.30 6 hourly
With senility and senile behavioural changes Baryta carb.200 or 1M weekly(3)
Systolic pressure high and diastolic pressure very low Baryta mur.3X or 6X 4 hourly
With constriction in heart region and anginal pain Cactus g.Q or 30 3 hourly
For fat and flabby patient;sweat on head,palms and soles,craving for eggs;chilly patient Calcarea carb.200 or 1M weekly(3)
In old age;old bachelors and old maids Conium mac.200 or 1M weekly(3)
Palpitations in slight exertion;dyspnoea,insomnia and gastric complaints Crataegus ox.Q or 30 4 hourly
Due to shock(broken love affair etc.)emotional disturbances Ignatia 200 or 1M 4 hourly(3)
Due to congestion in brain;severe headache,lassitude and dizziness Glonoine 3X or 6 1/2 hourly
Due to syphilitic origin;lancinating pain in head and bones Kali iod.30 or 200 4 hourly(3)
Due to gastric origin;flatulence;craving for sweets and warm food;worse 4 - 8 P.M. Lycopodium 30 or 200 4 hourly
Due to shock or grief;hyperthyroidism,goitre,addision's disease,diabetes,etc.Desire for salt preparations Natrum mur.200 or 1M 10 min(3)
In syphilitic cases;angina pectoris;vertigo,dyspnoea and endocarditis Natrum iod.30 or 200 10 min(3)
In tall,intelligent,hypertensive people;craves for icy cold things;fear of dark and stroms,etc. Phosphorus 30 or 200 10 min(3)
With sclerotic degeneration specially of spinal cord Plumbum iod.30 or 200 6 hourly
Due to grief;apprehension,dullness,loss of thirst,etc. Gelsemium 30 or 200 3 hourly
During menopausal stage;worse after sleep;great loquacity Lachesis 30 or 200 4 hourly
Bursting pain in head;better by cold application,pressure,vertigo;palpitation of heart;worse when alone;sleeplessness with heaviness in head;oedematous swelling on face and legs Boerhaavia diffusa Q or 6 4 hourly



Symptoms/Problems Remedy Frequency(Doses)
Due to insect bites;loss of thirst Apis mel.30 4 hourly
Due to excessive walking;exposure to heat;sun burn etc. Cantharis 30 4 hourly
On fingers;large;filled with serum Ailanthus g.30 4 hourly
Blisters crusty;in typhoid fever Acid-phos.30 4 hourly
Blisters in typhoid fever(sordes) Baptisia 6 or 30 4 hourly
Blisters with much itching and redness surrounding it Rhus tox.30 4 hourly
Blisters with white pus inside;sensitive to touch Hepar sulph.30 4 hourly
Fever blisters especially around lips Natrum mur.6X or 30 4 hourly


Symptoms/Problems Remedy Frequency(Doses)
Sudden;when the reason is not known Aconite 200 or 1M 10 min(3)
Nervous blindness;colour blindness Santoninum 6 4 hourly
Night blindness Ranunculus bulb.30 4 hourly
Day blindness Bothrops 30 4 hourly
In anaemic;weak;hysterical patient Ferrum met.30 4 hourly
Due to lightening;fear;nervous tension etc. Phosphorus 30 or 200 4 hourly(3)
Night blindness;see only one half of the object Lycopodium 30 or 200 6 hourly(3)
Night blindness;increased myopia Physostigma 30 4 hourly
Blindness of leprosy patients Hura brazil.30 6 hourly

Tuesday 14 February 2012

Blepharitis(Inflammation of eye-lids)


Symptoms/Problems Remedy Frequency(Doses)
In syphilitic cases;sensitive to touch;heat or cold Mercurius cor.200 10 min(3)
Inflammation between eye lids and eye brows;especially upper eye lids Kali carb.200 10 min(3)
Inflammation with throbbing pain;suppurative stage;sensitive to touch and cold;better warmth Hepar sulph.3X to abort pus or 1M to suppress if possible(should be used with great care) See remedy
Oedematous swelling;lower eye-lid;worse heat;loss of thirst Apis mel 30 or 200 4 hourly(3)
Swelling on margin of eye lids with loss of eye lashes Petroleum 30 4 hourly
Odematous swelling under eye lids;thirst of icy cold water/drinks Phosphorus 30 or 200 10 min(3)
Swelling of eye lids with profuse lachrymation;worse cold and better by warmth;restlessness Rhus tox.30 4 hourly
With hardness due to styes or cyst on eye lids staphysagria 30 or 200 6 hourly(3)
swelling on eye lids due to tumours;malignancy etc. Conium 200 or 1M 10 min(3)
Swelling;burning and redness of eye lids due to fistulous lachrymation;chilly patient Silicea 12X or 30 4 hourly


Gums Bleeding

Symptoms/Problems Remedy Frequency(Doses)
Soreness of gums;bleeding after extraction of teeth Arnica 200 or 1M 1/2 hourly(3)
Gums swollen and sensitive to hot and cold;worse night;unhealthy gums,excessive saliva Mercurius sol.30 4 hourly
Easy and passive bleeding;blood does not coagulate easily Phosphorus 30 or 200 6 hourly(3)
Excessive bleeding from gums.Flatulence;hot and sour belching Salicylic acid 30 4 hourly
Oozing of decomposed,thin blood.Gums swollen,spongy,sensitive to touch,bleed easily;worse in morning Lachesis 30 or 200 6 hourly(3)
Gums retracted and bleed easily;pyorrhoea Carbo veg.3X or 6 3 hourly

Bleeding Piles(Haemorrhoids)

Symptoms/Problems Remedy Frequency(Doses)
Head remedy - Haemorrhage and constipation Sulphur 1M weekly(3)
For bleeding piles;only till bleeding persists Dolichos Q 6 hourly,4 - 5 drops
If Dolichos do not act;blood bright red Millefolium Q or 200 4 hourly,5 -10 drops
Blood bright red;the proven Indian drug Ficus relig.Q 4 hourly,5 - 10 drops
Blood dark clotted(venous);soreness;haemorrhoids and pulsation in the rectum Hamamellis Q or 30 4 hourly, 5 - 10 drops
When bleeding is in a small stream with every stool phosphorus 200 10 min(3)
With constipation or alternate diarrhoea;loss of appetite;specially during pregnancy;painful bleeding piles Collinsonia 30 or 200 4 hourly
Ancient Indian medicine for bleeding piles Blumea od.Q 4 hourly,5 -10 drops
Painful bleeding haemorrhoids;severe cutting pain after passing stools lasting for hours Nitric acid.200 or 1M 10 min(3)
With burning pain,itching,smarting and stinging in anus while passing stools Capsicum 30 4 hourly
Haemorrhoids - blind and bleeding;worse during climacteric Aesculus hipp.30 or 200 4 hourly

Bleeding Vagina

Symptoms/Problems Remedy Frequency(Doses)
bleeding follows(next day)after coitus Kreosote 30 or 200 10 min(3)
Bleeding from vagina after breast feeding;chilly patient Silicea 6X or 30 4 hourly

Bladder and Urethra(see cystitis also)


Symptoms/Problems Remedy Frequency(Doses)
Burning pains;urine comes drop by drop Cantharis 30 3 hourly
Burning pain;worse at rest;better by walking in open air Terebinth.Q 4 hourly,7 - 8 drops
Burning pain in the urethra while passing urine,thirst excessive - drinks quite often but little at a time Arsenic alb.30 4 hourly
Paralysis of bladder;dribbling of urine while coughing or sneezing Causticum 30 or 200 4 hourly(3)
Bladder weak - no expulsive power Opium 30 or 200 4 hourly(3)
Constant desire to urinate;urine milky,scanty and hot Lilium tig.30 or 200 4 hourly
Bladder feels full;constant feeling of as if contents would fall out Sepia 30 or 200 4 hourly(3)
Inflammation of bladder with much difficulty in passing urine Conium mac.200 10 min(3)
Pain in the bladder with rigidity of cervical muscles.Back stiff;pain better by lying on back Strychnin.3X or 30 4 hourly
Prolapse of bladder Pyrus americana 30 4 hourly
Haematuria while no pathological condition can be found;weakness of bladder Belladonna 30 4 hourly
Haemorrhage from the bladder Rhus aromatica 30 4 hourly
Stone in the bladder - with sharp pain in lions Calcarea renalis 30 and Hydrangea Q 3 hourly,alternatively

Bites(of Animals,Insects,etc.)

Symptoms/Problems Remedy Frequency(Doses)
Bee bite(Urtica u. lotion can be used externally) Apis mel.30 3 hourly
Wasp bite Arnica 200 1/2 hourly(3)
Mosquito bites Staphysagria 30 3 hourly
Serpent/snake/venomous bite Belladonna 200 and Mercurius sol.200
Hoang-nan Q or Golondrina Q also can be given.
Cedron 200 is also helpful
Lycopus Q can also be given
alternate 10 min(6)
Flee bite Pulex irritans 30 2 hourly
Gnat bite Cantharis 200 15 min(3)
Dog bite;bite of rabid animals Lyssin 200 alternately Echinacea lotion 10 min(6)
Rat or scorpian bite Ledum pal.200 1/2 hourly(3)

Birth marks(see Beauty tips)

Though it is not possible to cure any unwanted birth mark etc.,but there are certain medicines in homoeopathy(constitutional and symptomatic)which helps considerably

Beauty tips(Plastic Medicines to improve Complexion/Glow)

Symptoms/Problems Remedy Frequency(Doses)
For dry and rough skin.Aversion to take bath;scratching of the effected lesions Sulphur 30 or 200 weekly(3)(6)
Pain after scratching with rough and dry skin.Patient likes cold climate Psorinum 200 or 1M weekly(3)
Dark circles around eyes due to shock or grief Natrum mur.200 or 1M weekly(3)
Eyes sunken and face pale due to loss of vital fluids china 6 or 30 4 hourly
Saddle like brownish complexion of nose and cheeks.Yellow spots on chest.sallow look Sepia 200 weekly(3)
Dark circle around the eyes due to nervous weakness or prolonged nervous tension Phosphorus 200 weekly(3)
For blackish spots;dry,rough,scaly skin;burning sensation.Restlessness Arsenic alb.30 4 hourly
Bluish,purple spots,face pale,jaundiced.patient cannot tolerate pressure of even clothes around throat,abdomen and waist Lachesis 30 or 200 weekly(3)
Complexion yellow due to anaemia Ferrum met.3X 4 hourly
Face deathly pale with blue rings around the eyes Bismuth 200 weekly(3)
Warts,epithelioma;frickles and blotches;brownish spots Thuja oc.200 weekly(6)
Face pimply,dry,rough,scaly skin;to clean the complexion Berberis aq.Q 4 hourly,4-5 drops
To dissolve scar tissue Thiosinaminum 3X 4 hourly
Old burn or injury marks;bleeds easily;warts Causticum 30 or 200 6 hourly


Symptoms/Problems Remedy Frequency(Doses)
severe shock due to sudden death of loved ones;restlessness,anxiety and fear Aconite 200 10 min(3)
prolonged mournings;cannot overcome the loss of loved ones Ignatia 1M or 10M 6 hourly(3)
When the grief is in the conscious mind;patient weeps;does not like sympathy Natrum mur.200 or 1M 6 hourly(3)
for chronic grief and indignation Staphysagria 200 or 1M weekly(3)

Bed wetting(Enuresis)

Symptoms/Problems Remedy Frequency(Doses)
Bed wetting immediately after sleep;patient chilly Sepia 200 10 min(3)
Unconsciously;during first part of night Causticum 30 or 200 4 hourly(3)
In nervous patients when Causticum fails Gelsemium 30 4 hourly
In fat and flabby children;perspires easily,prone to catch cold Calcarea carb.200 or 1M weekly(3)
Bed wetting,worse after measles;hot patient;changeable disposition,thirstlessness and desire for open air Pulsatilla 30 or 200 4 hourly(6)
Urine of low specific gravity,strong smelling,wet the bed several times during sleep Acid-benz.3 or 6 4 hourly
Weeting the bed in deep sleep with dreams of urinating at proper places;caries of teeth Kreosote 30 or 200 4 hourly(6)
Habitual bed wetting with dreams or nightmares Equisetum 30 4 hourly
Wetting the bed during fool moon.When selected remedy fails;psoric patient Psorinum 200 or 1M weekly(3)
Patient wakes up after wetting the bed in dreams Lac caninum 200 weekly(3)
Due to strangury(urine dribbles drop by drop with tenesmus and pain) Magnetics pol-austral 200 weekly(3)
Involuntary urination during sleep;fear of being alone,apprehensive Lycopodium 30 or 200 10 min(3)
Bed wetting due to worms Cina 30 or 200 4 hourly

Bed sores

Symptoms/Problems Remedy Frequency(Doses)
In cases of typhoid fever or long continued ailments Baptisia Q or 6 3 hourly
In the beginning when there is bruised feeling in the bed-sores Arnica 30 or 200 4 hourly
When bed-sores are very painful even touch is intolerable;patient over sensitive Hepar sulph 30 or 200 10 min(3)
In chronic cases when thin,bloody,offensive pus oozes constantly Silicea 12X or 30 4 hourly
With blue edges;worse touch.Oozing of decomposed blood Lachesis 30 or 200 4 hourly(6)
When affected parts become gangrenous Crotalus h.30 or 200 4 hourly(6)
Due to blood poisoning;septic conditions,gangrenous bed sores(Echinacea lotion can be used externally) Echinacea Q or 30 4 hourly
In chronic cases when bed sores turn into gangrene Sulphur 30 or 200 10 min(3)
Intercurrent remedy for tubercular patients Tuberculinum k.200 weekly(3)

Barber's itch(see other skin ailments also)

Symptoms/Problems Remedy Frequency(Doses)
Cracks with bleeding;skin sensitive,dry and rough Petroleum 30 4 hourly
Eruptions papular.Patient feels the hair erect Sulphur iod.3X or 30 4 hourly
Obstinate cases with excessive burning;itching with swelling and redness of effected lesion Radium brom.30 4 hourly
Burning and itching with vesicular eruptions;worse wet,rainy season and cold Rhus tox.30 or 200 4 hourly(3)
With sticky discharge;little injury suppurates;unaffected part of skin hard Graphites 30 or 200 4 hourly(3)
Eruptions scaly;abscess under the eruptions;worse by warmth and warm applications Lycopodiun 30 or 200 4 hourly(3)
Ring shaped eruptions;much itching and offensive odour from affected parts Tellurium 6 or 30 3 hourly
When cracks re-appear after suppression and oozing starts;bluish,purplish appearance of effected lesion Lachesis 30 or 200 10 min(3)
Worse after shaving.Exudation forms into a hard,lemon-coloured crust Cicuta v.30 4 hourly
When the complaints are worse after washing the face or bathing Sulphur 30 or 200 10 min(3)
When there is pain along with itching Psorinum 200 10 min(3)

Bad breath

Symptoms/Problems Remedy Frequency(Doses)
Putrid discharges and fetid breath Acid-carb.30 4 hourly
With mrtallic taste and excessive salivation Mercurius sol.30 4 hourly
Intercurrent remedy Prorinum 200 weekly(3)