Wednesday 22 February 2012

blood pressure

High blood pressure
Head remedy;with nervousness(during pregnancy use with care)
Rauwolfia s.Q
4 hourly
With depression;suicidal tendency;cardiac symptoms
Aurum met.200 or 1M
10 min(3)
With arteriosclerosis and senile paresis
Aurum iod.30
6 hourly
With senility and senile behavioural changes
Baryta carb.200 or 1M
Systolic pressure high and diastolic pressure very low
Baryta mur.3X or 6X
4 hourly
With constriction in heart region and anginal pain
Cactus g.Q or 30
3 hourly
For fat and flabby patient;sweat on head,palms and soles,craving for eggs;chilly patient
Calcarea carb.200 or 1M
In old age;old bachelors and old maids
Conium mac.200 or 1M
Palpitations in slight exertion;dyspnoea,insomnia and gastric complaints
Crataegus ox.Q or 30
4 hourly
Due to shock(broken love affair etc.)emotional disturbances
Ignatia 200 or 1M
4 hourly(3)
Due to congestion in brain;severe headache,lassitude and dizziness
Glonoine 3X or 6
1/2 hourly
Due to syphilitic origin;lancinating pain in head and bones
Kali iod.30 or 200
4 hourly(3)
Due to gastric origin;flatulence;craving for sweets and warm food;worse 4 - 8 P.M.
Lycopodium 30 or 200
4 hourly
Due to shock or grief;hyperthyroidism,goitre,addision's disease,diabetes,etc.Desire for salt preparations
Natrum mur.200 or 1M
10 min(3)
In syphilitic cases;angina pectoris;vertigo,dyspnoea and endocarditis
Natrum iod.30 or 200
10 min(3)
In tall,intelligent,hypertensive people;craves for icy cold things;fear of dark and stroms,etc.
Phosphorus 30 or 200
10 min(3)
With sclerotic degeneration specially of spinal cord
Plumbum iod.30 or 200
6 hourly
Due to grief;apprehension,dullness,loss of thirst,etc.
Gelsemium 30 or 200
3 hourly
During menopausal stage;worse after sleep;great loquacity
Lachesis 30 or 200
4 hourly
Bursting pain in head;better by cold application,pressure,vertigo;palpitation of heart;worse when alone;sleeplessness with heaviness in head;oedematous swelling on face and legs
Boerhaavia diffusa Q or 6
4 hourly


Low blood pressure

Symptoms/Problems Remedy Frequency(Doses)
Due to fluid loss;exhaustive discharges(excessive vomiting,diarrhoea,blood loss or semen loss,etc.) China off.30 4 hourly
Due to low vitality;flatulence in upper part of abdomen;desire for fresh air Carbo veg.6 or 30 4 hourly
Faints in hot sun,craves for salt,excessive thirst and constipation Natrum mur.12X or 30 4 hourly
Craves for sweets;flatulence in lower part of abdomen;uric acid diathesis Lycopodium 30 or 200 4 hourly(3)
When pulse is weak and slow;vertigo,weight and oppression of heart as if being squeezed Viscum alb.Q or 30 4 hourly
With irregular heart beating and palpitation;feels as if heart would stop beating if do not move about Gelsemium 30 4 hourly
Due to excessive sexual indulgence Acid-phos.30 4 hourly

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