Saturday 9 June 2012

Cold,Catarrh and coryza


1st Stage

Remedy Frequency(Doses)
Icy coldness of whole body;internal and external both.To give heat to the system Camphor 6 or 30 1/2 hourly
Cold due to sudden exposure to dry cold wind;chilly feeling;headache,watering of eyes and sneezing;anxiety and fear;feverish feeling Aconite 30 or 200 2 hourly
Running of nose during day and blockage at night with chilly feeling Nux vomica 30 3 hourly
Cold with sneezing and profuse from eyes and nose;worse in warmth and indoor;better in open air Allium cepa 3 hourly
Dryness of nose with headache;worse from motion;thirst more;lips parched and dry;stools constipated Bryonia 30 or 200 3 hourly
Sneezing;watering of nose and eyes;throat sore with constant desire to swallow saliva;foul smell from mouth;feverish feeling with sweat which do not relieve.Worse at night Mercurius sol.30 3 hourly
Watering and burning of eyes with streaming nose;acrid discharges Euphrasia 30 3 hourly
Chilly feeling though face is hot;restlessness;un-quenchable thirst,drinks often but little at a time;better hot drinks Arsenic alb.30 3 hourly
Acrid discharge from the nose which corrodes the upper lip.Nose filled with phelgm;breathes through the mouth Arum triph.30 3 hourly
Cold;running of nose and sneezing;redness and pain forehead;watering eyes Sabadilla 30 4 hourly
Cold;pain throat;red face,rush of blood towards head Belladonna 30 4 hourly
Aching pain;dullness;chilliness in back;sneezing;bland and thick discharge from nose;feverish;better by passing urine Gelsemium 30 3 hourly
Coryza with sneezing and aching in bones of extremities with soreness of flesh Eup-perf.30 3 hourly
Cold;better from cold bathing Calcarea sulph.30 4 hourly
Dripping of nose while eating Trombidium 30 or 200 6 hourly
Dripping of nose while going to sleep Thuja oc.30 or 200 6 hourly
Dry coryza;sniffles of infants,blockage of nose Sambucus nig.30 4 hourly

2nd Stage

Symptoms/Problems Remedy Frequency(Doses)
Discharge from nose;yellowish or greenish;stringy Kali bich.30 4 hourly
Greenish yellow mucous from nose;loss of taste and thirst;better open air Pulsatilla 30 4 hourly
Thick yellow discharge from nose;post nasal cattarh;constipation Hydrastis c.30 4 hourly
Watering from nose like a tap;thirst more;stools constipated;cold aggravates till noon and ameliorates after noon Natrum mur.30(in acute stage Bryonia 30) 4 hourly
In fat and flabby patient;worse after bathing;chilly patient Calcarea carb.200 6 hourly
Watery discherge from the nose and finally it becomes thick,yellow.Pain in the throat on swallowing as if full of splinters;sensitive to cold Hepar sulph.30 4 hourly
Cold worse early morning;chronic;dry catarrh;aversion to take bath Sulphur 200 weekly(3)
Chronic catarrh;dry coryza,with blockage of nose;worse change of weather and cold Psorinum 200 weekly(3)
Chronic cases with tubercular history Tuberculinum k.200 or 1M fortnightly(6)
Obstinate chronic cases when indicated remedy fails Bacillinum 1M weekly(3)

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