Friday, 28 November 2014

Cystitis(Inflammation of bladder)

Symptoms/Problems Remedy Frequency(Doses)
Head remedy;intense burning in urinary passage,urine comes drop by drop Cantharis 30 4 hourly
Frequent urination;last drop burns,urine mixed with blood;passes only few drops at a time;loss of thirst Apis mel.30 4 hourly
Constant urging with great straining;pain travels down to thigh while making effort to pass urine Pareira brava.Q or 6 4 hourly
Thick,muddy urine mixed with blood and albumin;constant tenesmus Terebinth.Q 4 hourly,5 -10 drops
Intercurrent remedy Medorrhinum 200 or 1M weekly(3)


Croup becomes dangerous disease if not attended well in time.It consists of a peculiar inflammation of the lining membrane of the wind pipe,ending in the secretion of a thick,viscid,opaque membrane,like boiled white of an egg when the symptoms fully develop.The symptoms may come as a common cold after cold or damp atmospheric changes,cold wind etc.,with cough,sneezing,hoarseness and fever.Shortly the cough becomes deep with hoarseness with a deep ringing sound as if the breath were passing through a metallic tube.

Symptoms/Problems Remedy Frequency(Doses)
Sudden attack;worse after exposure to dry cold winds(Ist day of treatment) Aconite 200 15 min(3)
Sudden attack,(2nd day of treatment) Spongia 200 4 hourly(3)
When the cough is loose,much rattling,(3rd day of treatment) Hepar sulph.200 4 hourly(3)
The best result is obtained by giving Aconite 200.1 dose first,then after 3 hours,1 dose of Hepar sulph.200 then after 4 hours one dose Spongia 200 and after that Hepar sulph.200 and Spongia 200 alternate, 4 hourly(2 doses each) Refer first column Refer first column
When there is much rattling in chest;tongue white coated;expectoration difficult Antimonium tart.200 10 min(3)
Rattling in chest;tongue clean Ipecac 30 4 hourly
Recurrent attack,when there is membrane formation;stringy phlegm Kali bich.30 or 200 4 hourly
Spasmodic cough Cuprum met.30 4 hourly

Cravings(desire for Eatables,etc.)

Symptoms/Problems Remedy Frequency(Doses)
To chew clean cloth;raw food Alumina 200 or above 6 hourly(3)
Craving for fat;lime,slate,pencils,chalk and clay,etc. Acid nit.30 or 200 6 hourly(3)
For salt(extra salt in food) Natrum mur.200 or 1M 6 hourly(3)
For eggs Calcarea carb.200 or 1M 6 hourly(3)
For sweets Argentum nit.30 or 200 6 hourly(3)
For pickles and sour food sepia 200 or 1M 6 hourly(3)
For lemonade Pulsatilla 30 or 200 6 hourly(3)
For banana Theridion 30 or 200 6 hourly(3)
For icy cold drinks Phosphorus 200 6 hourly(3)
for milk Rhus fox.200 weekly(3)

Cramps(see Writer's Cramps also)

Symptoms/Problems Remedy Frequency(Doses)
Cramps in cold water in swimmers.Cramps in calf muscles at night by stretching the legs at bed Rhus tox.30 or 200 4 hourly
Cramps in abdomen Aesculus glab.30 4 hourly
Writer's cramp;pain in parts of hand where bones lie near surface;worse cold Cyclamen 30 4 hourly
Cramps due to fatigue;bruised feeling as if beaten Arnica 30 or 200 3 hourly
With icy coldness of limbs and body;as in cholera,etc. Camphor.Q or 6 1/2 hourly
Cramps of calf muscles,soles and palms.beginning from fingers and toes;spasmodic Cuprum met.30 4 hourly
Cramp like drawing,in upper gluteals when standing;cold sweating Verat-alb.30 4 hourly

Cough(see Hoarseness,Wheezing etc. also)

Symptoms/Problems Remedy Frequency(Doses)
Cough with sensation of dust in the throat Chelidonium 6 or 30 4 hourly
Dry;violent cough due to exposure to dry cold wind;anxiety and fear in mind Aconite 30 or 200 4 hourly
Listening of music brings on cough Ambra gr.30 4 hourly
Coughing causes pain in distant parts Capsicum 30 4 hourly
Looseness of brain while coughing Carbo ani.30 or 200 4 hourly
Dry cough during sleep;worse after anger Chamomilla 30 or 200 4 hourly
Every paroxysm of pain excites nervous cough Hura b.30 4 hourly
Every time patient stands still while walking he coughs;worse inhaling smoke;feels sleepy after every spell of coughing Ignatia 30 or 200 4 hourly
Cough worse while going down compare to going up;worse 4 - 8 P.M. Lycopodium 30 or 200 4 hourly
Cough better while lying down Manganum acet.30 4 hourly
Cough at night and diarrhoea during day Petroleum 30 4 hourly
Cough worse inspiration and only during day Rumex c.30 4 hourly
Cough always ends into sneezing Senega 30 4 hourly
Cough followed by hic-cough Trillium p.6 or 30 4 hourly
Dry;painful cough with headache;worse by movement and moaning.Thirst excessive and stools constipated Bryonia 30 or 200 4 hourly
Cough with hoarseness and loss of voice;desire to drink icy cold water Phosphorus 30 or 200 4 hourly
With sticky,ropy phlegm;chronic sinusitis;pain in the ears while coughing Kali bich.30 4 hourly
Cough worse between 2 - 4 A.M. Kali carb.30 or 200 4 hourly
Cough worse in warm room;better in open air;thirstlessness with dry mouth Pulsatilla 30 4 hourly
Dry cough;sibilant(hissing)sounds like a saw driven through a pine board Spongia 30 4 hourly
Urine escapes while coughing;better damp,cold;dry cough Causticum 30 or 200 4 hourly
Cough worse after first sleep(1-2 hours after sleep) Aralia r.Q or 30 4 hourly
Cough with constant nausea and wheezing tongue clean Ipecac 30 4 hourly
Rattling of chest;it is difficult to raise the phlegm;tongue whitish coated;cough and yawning alternate Antimonium tart.30 1/2 hourly(3)
Dry cough at night with chocking;face turns red with congestion of head Belladonna 30 4 hourly
Cough after exposure to cold wind;sensation of foreign body in the throat with pain while swallowing;pain over sensitive to touch,cold etc. Hepar sulph.30 4 hourly
Symptoms constantly change and well selected remedies fail to act;cold is taken from slightest exposure Tuberculinum b.200 weekly(3)
cough with itching in larynx,spasmodic with gaggling and vomiting of mucous;after any inflammatory disease like measles,etc. Carbo veg.30 4 hourly
Cough dry,hard;worse at night;better during day and moving about slowly Syphilinum 200 or 1M weekly(3)
Phlegm yellowish and sweetish in taste;weakness and emptiness in chest Stannum met.30 4 hourly
Children loose their breath while coughing;face becomes bluish and purplish,gasping for breath.Cough rapid and short like gun fire Corallium r.30 4 hourly
Cough following measles or suppression of intermittent fever Eupatorium perf.30 4 hourly
Cough with thick ropy mucous;worse in warm room and taking warm drinks.It comes on while in cold water but relieved by cold drinks and washing face with cold water Coccus cacti 30 4 hourly
Cough;dry with desire for hot,salty drinks Lac caninum 30 or 200 4 hourly
Cough better while smoking - short of breath after each attack;cough while or after weeping Tarentula h.30 or 200 4 hourly
Catarrhal cough;involuntary spurting of urine;sneezing Scilla mar.30 4 hourly
Cough dry;worse from air into larynx,tobacco smoke,fog and while talking Mentha pip.30 4 hourly
Cough explosive;persistent,recurring after influenza Strychninum 30 4 hourly
Cough during pregnancy;spasmodic Viburnum op.30 4 hourly
Dry cough;has to stoop to cough;no expectoration with cough Kali-mur.6X or 30 4 hourly
Much rattling of mucous,loose cough;worse after bathing and morning Sulphur 200 weekly(3)

Coronary Thrombosis

A clot in blood vessel or in one of the cavities of the heart,formed life from constituents of blood;it may be occlusive or attached to the vessel or heart wall obstructing the lumen.
(seek medical aid immediately and in the meanwhile any of the following medicines according to symptoms can be given)

Symptoms/Problems Remedy Frequency(Doses)
Tightness and contraction of the chest;bruised pains Arnica 200 1/2 hourly(3)
Constriction of heart region as if the heart squeezed by a tight band Cactus g.Q or 30 1/2 hourly(6)
With numbness of the left arm and left sided paralysis.Cannot bear tight clothings around neck or waist Lachesis 200 1/2 hourly(3)
Coronary thrombosis due to bad effects of anger Colocynth.200 1/2 hourly(3)



Symptoms/Problems Remedy Frequency(Doses)
Painful;specially on the soles;tongue thickly whitish coated Antim-crud.200 or 1M 6 hourly(6)
Corn due to pressure of shoes;painful Sulphur 200 weekly(3)
Corn with soreness and tearing pain Lycopodium 200 weekly(3)
Corns of toes;re-appears after cutting Hydrastis can.30 4 hourly
Corns with deep cracks;stools hard,constipated Graphites 30 4 hourly

Thursday, 27 November 2014


Symptoms/Problems Remedy Frequency(Doses)
Convulsions after seeing water,specially in cases of hydrophobia Lyssin 200 or 1M 10 min(3)
Convulsions due to whooping cough Cuprum met.30 or 200 3 hourly
Convulsions due to worms in children Cina 200 or 1M 6 hourly
Convulsions with hot,red skin,flushed face and glaring eyes;during teething period Belladonna 30 4 hourly
Violent convulsions;with violent distortions;fear of dark Stramonium 30 3 hourly
Violent distortions;back bent backward like an arch Cicuta v.30 or 200 3 hourly

Tuesday, 25 November 2014

Contact Dermatitis

Contact dermatitis means dermatitis due to allergy to a local applied agent

Useful remedy for acute stage isApis mel.30 and for chronicity Graphites,Natrum mur.,Sulphur and Thuja oc.etc.,


Symptoms/Problems Remedy Frequency(Doses)
Chronic constipation;much flatus,distention of abdomen Coca Q 6 hourly,10 drops in lukewarm water
Due to fast,sedentary life;ineffectual urging,passing stools many times a day Nux vomica 30 or 200 6 hourly
Hard stools;due to dryness and non peristaltic action of the intestinal tract.Desire for dry food Alumina 0/7 or above 6 hourly
Stools hard;as if burnt,seems too large.No desire to pass stools;thirst increased,drinks large quantity of water at a time at long intervals Bryonia 30 or 200 6 hourly
Tonic for proper bowel movement Cascara sag.Q 4 hourly,10 - 15 drops
Feels better normal when constipated;fat,flabby and chilly patient Calcarea carb.200 4 hourly(3)
Patient can pass stools only in standing position Causticum 30 or 200 6 hourly
Constipation with sinking feeling in stomach;tongue white,flabby and slimy Hydrastis can.Q or 6 4 hourly
In chilly patient who lacks vital energy;stools goes back to the rectum when partially expelled Silicea 12X or 30 4 hourly